Windows message pumb / Dispatcher / RealProxy

Not so long ago I had to integrate a COM component into an application. The catch was the application had no Windows message pumb and the COM component uses exactly this message pumb for some communications.

So I need to create a thread with its own message pumb and then dispatch the calls to the component to the thread holding this message pumb.

Creating a thread is simple and quickly done.
_thread = new Thread(RunThread)
  Name = nameof(MessagePumpDispatcher),
  IsBackground = true
And to start a new message pumb I can use the Dispatcher type.
_dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;

catch (ThreadAbortException)
Dispatching work to this thread can be achieved by using the Invoke method on the Dispatcher.
This is the whole class.

Now to send all calls of the component to the correct class I could either wrap every method and property call with dispatcher.Invoke or I can use the RealProxy type to wrap all calls in one place.

Now I can use the MessagePumpProxy with my COM wrapper like the following.
var com = MessagePumpProxy<IComponentWrapper>.Create(new ComponentWrapper());
The ComponentWrapper type is just a small wrapper for the COM component.
public interface IComponentWrapper
  void DoSomething();

public class ComponentWrapper : MarshalByRefObject, IComponentWrapper
  public void DoSomething()
    // call com component
For more information about the RealProxy type you can read this blog post.


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